The Sunday Edition: May 8th, 2022

Happy Mother’s Day to all who celebrate! Tomorrow is my birthday, so in honour of that, I’m sharing a list of 28 lessons further down in this post that I’ve learned up until this point in my life. Yes, I’m turning 28! I’ve always been shy about sharing my age because people often think I’m much older and when I tell my age, they are often thrown off. People who don’t know me often look at me and think I’m much younger, I still get carded at liquor stores haha! Age is such a weird thing. What is a 27-year-old supposed to act like, speak like, look like?! Who knows, but everyone has their own ideas and often project that onto others. Anywho, I’ll share some lessons further down in this blog.

This week was a long, busy, and fun week. I went to my first ever reformer pilates class on Friday, I haven’t been to a group or in-person fitness class or workout in more than two years! I also treated myself to a manicure and pedicure on Friday, which was such a treat. I don’t often get my nails done, but I’ve been craving that form of self-care. I got a light pink with daisies on my fingers and pink on my toes, perfect for Spring!

Things I’m loving, wanting, and excited to try

Favourite Recipes of April

Chickpea Peanut Butter Chocolate Blondies

Birthday Lessons & Reflections

  1. When people say you’re too much, too high maintenance, too determined, too passionate, don’t ever change yourself. They can go find less.

  2. Be picky. From clothes to home renovations to food preferences to friends. Be picky about who and what gets your time. Being picky about things is actually a positive trait, it means you’ll get what you want in the end.

  3. A good dance party and some sunshine will change you for the better.

  4. Travel. Travel as much as humanly possible.

  5. Go on road trips and sing at the top of your lungs. It feels GOOD!

  6. Relationships don’t have to be hard. Yes, there are seasons of more challenges, but if you’re fighting for your relationship every day and it always feels hard, chances are it’s not the right partner for you.

7. Forgiving and moving on are not the same thing. Forgiveness is overrated but moving on is powerful and essential.

8. Chewy cookies and fudgy brownies reign supreme.

9. Wear whatever you want and experiment with different styles to figure out what feels good.

10. Be a do-er and a helper.

11. When something bothers you say it, don’t keep things bottled up.

12. Try new things, try things that scare you,

13. Break-up songs are better than love songs no matter how great your relationship is!

14. Patience and perseverance are required for success.

15. Hustle culture is garbage.

16. Life is meant to be lived, Close your laptop, take time off, and set boundaries.

17. Take care of your skin. Wash your face every night. Use high-quality products. Wear SPF.

18. Celebrate small moments, big moments, and everything in between.

19. Never stop learning, evolving, and becoming the truest version of yourself.

20. Not every moment needs to be productive. Read sappy love stories, listen to silly podcasts, sit and just observe.

21. You don’t need to wear the weight of the world on your shoulders in order to be a good person.

22. A good sauce elevates any meal and makes it 10 times better.

23. Good knives are essential for enjoying cooking.

24. Meal planning takes away so much unnecessary decision-making fatigue.

25. Find a partner who memorizes Taylor Swift lyrics and does car ride karaoke with you.

26. Eat food you love. Eat food that tastes really freaking delicious. Don’t think of foods as good or bad. It’s just food.

27. Self-care and self-love also mean pushing yourself, getting out of your comfort zone, and doing things you don’t necessarily want to do because you know they’ll make you feel better in the long run.

28. You do YOU! Someone else’s opinion is none of your business. You’ll be more content and confident as soon as you live by that.

Favourite links

Happy Sunday Funday! I hope you have the best week ahead.

xo, Elizabeth


The Sunday Edition: May 15th, 2022


The Sunday Edition: May 1, 2022